1, 2, 3D Modelling

“If you can dream it, you can do it”, the old adage goes. In a similar vein, if you can imagine it, then we can 3D model it for you! Perhaps not a direct analogy but one that points to the power of 3D modelling...

CODE founder Nicholas Blatch shares his design philosophy

Collaboration is at the centre of CODE’s approach to design, but that approach is backed by a set of beliefs around the purpose and impact of design. Our founder, Nicholas Blatch, answered some questions about the theory that informs the practice. What do you think design should...

Hwange National Park. Photo by Nicholas Blatch

2017: A year in review

It’s both useful and necessary at the end of a year to take a moment to reflect, review and plan ahead. It’s been a big year for CODE, with a number of exciting projects and collaborations that we worked on. Internally too, we made some...